Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Overseers of all donations
Overseers of all donations
HVCM is overseen by a Board of Directors of 5 members who serve as stewards of the funds that our partners provide each month. The board meets regularly to determine the ministry needs and disbursement of funds. Our goal each month is to move the funds to the ministry needs, as fast as possible!
Pastor Max Bricka: Founder / Executive Director
Pastor Max Bricka: Founder / Executive Director

Max Bricka is a tri-vocational Pastor, REALTOR ®, and Certified Master Financial Coach. Since his baptism in 1991, he has dedicated his life of Christian service to: assisting others to grow in Christ; healing and deliverance ministry; financial counseling; 9 years as a full-time Administrative & Executive Pastor; prison ministry and serving on the Board of Directors' for several local ministries. His mission trips include Mexico and 9 trips to Kenya, Africa. Outside of helping others, Max's passion is scuba diving.
Wren Wickliffe: Founding Board Member
Wren Wickliffe: Founding Board Member

Wren Wickiffe works full time as a Product Sales Rep in the Construction / Manufacturing market. Since his baptism in 1995, he has dedicated his life to serving the Lord. Areas of service include prison ministry and various local and international missions—including Mexico and 3 trips to Kenya, Africa.
Oscar Castellanos: Founding Board Member
Oscar Castellanos: Founding Board Member

Ashton Kanak
Ashton Kanak

Ashton Kanak is a sales representative for an oil company based out of Austin Texas, husband to a brilliant, lovely wife, and father to three young boys 7,5,and a newborn. His walk with the Lord began in 2002, and since that time he has been a member of several worship teams and various ministry teams. He currently ministers for Bastrop Freedom Alliance and is constantly seeking the Bible for the hidden things of God.
Pastor Rusty Cook
Pastor Rusty Cook

Rusty Cook is a bi-vocational Pastor and a building contractor. Since his baptism, he has dedicated his life of Christian service to assisting others to grow in Christ. He has served as Sr. Pastor, Associate Pastor and Children's Pastor in a variety of local Texas congregations.