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Serving our Community 

and the Nations 

Through Ministries that We Support 

Bastrop Pregnancy Resource Center

Bastrop, Texas

Bastrop Pregnancy Resource Center offers free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds that let mother's see and/or hear their baby's heartbeat, diapers and wipes, formula, baby clothes (preemie size through 5T), maternity clothes, high chairs, and many other items needed by young parents.  They also help foster parents with their newly assigned little ones.  BPRC offers free classes in childbirth, breastfeeding, parenting (for infants and for toddlers), life skills, budgeting, Bible studies, etc. Everything offered is free for clients. In addition, BPRC shares God's love with each client in every way possible.

Bastrop Prayer & Healing Rooms

Bastrop, Texas

Bastrop Prayer & Healing Rooms serves the Bastrop County community and the Body of Christ by providing focused & personal prayer for those who need physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.​

Hope House Women's Recovery 

Bastrop, Texas

Hope House is much more than a place for women to recover from addiction.  They are a family support system that helps with all life struggling issues that keep people from moving forward with their life and becoming the person that God has called us to be.  Their services do not include fees.  Residents either work for their vocational work program or assist with fundraising efforts.

In the Streets - Hands Up High Ministry

Bastrop,  Texas

I.T.S.- H.U.H ministry operates 8 SAFE Family Emergency Shelters (SAFE Safe Acre Family Environment), with two more under construction along with an additional shower house. Intended for FAMILIES, that is parent(s) with children in their care, in need of temporary refuge due to set backs.

They also operate a daily meal kitchen and encourage those who are hungry to come in for breakfast (9:00-10:30 AM), lunch (12-2 PM) or a snack throughout the day.

Primera Baptist Food Pantry

Bastrop, Texas

Primera Baptist partners with the Central Texas Food Bank to offer food to those needing assistance in the Bastrop community on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month.

Maisha Kamili:  Mombasa, Kenya

Maisha Kamili serves in 3 distinct ministry areas:

1) Discipleship is a very big need among Kenyan churches. Maisha Kamili has started many classes for discipleship and have seen many, many long-time Christians begin to grow in their walks with Christ.

2) Community MKKs are orphans who live with their relatives. We help the relatives pay school fees, medical bills, or anything else that the child needs.

3) The Maisha Kamili Transition Home is for orphans age 18 and older who need a place to live while they finish school. They rent rooms for them near their schools and give them grocery money (in addition to sponsoring their school fees).

Have a Heart Feeding Program 

Latin America Missions

Have a Heart feeding program provides nutritious meals to needy children living in destitute conditions in Latin America.  In addition, each year they provide Christmas Toy Shoe boxes to children in Mexico.

Vision Beyond Borders

International Bibles and Missions

Since its foundation, Vision Beyond Borders has carried over 1 million Bibles and 15,000 hand-wind tape players containing the Gospel into closed countries. VBB has set up rescue and rehabilitation ministries for sex-trafficking victims in India & Nepal, including a safe house. With donors' support, they have also provided for over 800 children & nearly 200 native pastors in Gospel-resistant nations. An abundant amount of humanitarian aid and medical care have been administered to the poor and to persecuted refugees from Burma, Syria, and Iraq. Over 40 million vegetable seed packets have been distributed, providing self-sustaining resources for villages and orphanages. Thousands of Bible flannel graphs have also been delivered to reach children and adults with the Gospel.

Choose to make a difference.  ​Partner with us Today!


© 2023 Hope & Victory Christian Ministries, Bastrop, TX

Hope and Victory Christian Ministries is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit with the IRS. Donations are almost always tax deductible. 

Please consult financial counsel to determine your specific eligibility.

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